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Home / Payment Transfer Options    
We prevent you with a wide range of payment options. Upgrade your FREE membership now to enjoy the features of PAID membership.
1. Deposit / Transfer to Bank Account
2. Personal Cheque / Demand Draft
3. By Debit/ Credit Card.
4. Money Order
Direct Deposit or Transfer to Bank Account
Walk into any of the bank across India, Make Cheque or cash Payments directly to the below account :
BANK NAME : State Bank Of India,
CITY : Kota
A/C NAME : Jeevanhumsafar
CURRENT A/C NO. : 32735604625
Alternatively , You can also make electronic fund transfer (EFT) or NEFT via your online banking interface.
Please Notify us after remitting the payment with the details of the amount branch of deposit and the service you paid for. We will varify the payment online and the orders will be executed accordingly.
Personal Cheque / Demand Draft / Doller Cheque
Yoy Can make payment by sending personal cheque /Doller cheque / Demand Draft in favour of "Jeevanhumsafar" Payable @ Jeevanhumsafar
Please write the user ID & Name which you have used when registering your profile in our website behind the Cheque / Demand Draft.
Credit Cards, Debit Card vis Payumoney
You can make online payment through Credit Card, Debit Card vis Payumoney
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